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Discovering the Root Cause: A Naturopathic Approach to Managing Psoriasis

At Tusli Wellness, our approach to psoriasis is rooted in a naturopathic perspective that aims to identify and address the root cause of your symptoms. Rather than simply managing your psoriasis with medications, our goal is to help you achieve lasting relief by addressing the underlying imbalances or deficiencies that may be contributing to your symptoms.

One of the key ways we do this is by running comprehensive lab tests. Some of the tests we may recommend include food sensitivity testing, gut health testing, hormone testing, and nutrient deficiency testing. By identifying any imbalances or deficiencies, we can work together to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your psoriasis.

Dietary changes are also an important part of treating psoriasis. At Tulsi Wellness, we focus on an anti-inflammatory diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. We may also recommend eliminating foods that are known to trigger inflammation, such as processed foods, sugar, and gluten.

In addition to dietary changes, supplements can be very helpful in supporting skin health and reducing inflammation. Some supplements that may be recommended include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and probiotics. Lifestyle changes such as stress management, exercise, and getting adequate sleep are also important in managing psoriasis.

At Tulsi Wellness, we also offer alternative therapies that can complement conventional treatments for psoriasis. These may include acupuncture, herbal medicine, and light therapy. By taking a holistic approach to treating psoriasis, we can help you achieve lasting relief and improved overall health and wellbeing.In our upcoming blogs, we'll be diving into the details of what to look for in these tests and how they can inform a personalized treatment plan. We'll cover a range of lab tests, including food sensitivity testing, gut health testing, hormone testing, and nutrient deficiency testing. By understanding what these tests can reveal about your body's imbalances, we can work together to create a plan that addresses the root cause of your psoriasis.